UltraTech Cement Limited is a four decade experienced group and the largest manufacturer of Grey Cement, White Cement and Ready Mix Concrete (RMC) in India and is a subsidiary of the Indian multinational conglomerate, Aditya Birla Group.UltraTech Plants are committed to take all measures to realise its vision to run its operation in a way that they grow business while conserving resources and lead through environment friendly innovations and have always been at the forefront of implementing environment-friendly initiatives throughout the year.
UltraTech pioneered the UltraTech Building Solutions (UBS) concept to provide individual home builders with a one-stop-shop solution for building their homes.UltraTech has aligned their sustainability strategy to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the United Nations (UN) which is an excellent vehicle for driving their sustainability vision. UltraTech has robust policies on Safety, Environment and CSR.UltraTech recognizes that energy consumption and carbon emissions are important issues affecting the business and evaluate new technologies for energy efficiency and conservation in operations, supply chain and product.
UltraTech Cement marks occupational safety as its core value and always promotes safety as one of the most integral cogs of its value system and takes serious initiatives towards ensuring utmost safety of its employees and the environment they work in.UltraTech Cement aims for Zero Fatality, Zero Injury and Zero Excuses.
Client Success Story

Building materials (Cement Industry)
Being one of a renowned global name in the Cement industry and manufacturing facilities based across India, maintaining factory uptime with easy identification of electrical faults is a key element. Though Initiatives are taken for continuous improvement and implementing energy saving projects, process optimization and adoption of latest technologies, Cement companies are amongst the largest industrial consumers of energy.
Evaluating the Situation
UltraTech Cement, Mumbai office evaluated POWEReasy installed on the Kitchen and AC load, on the floor occupied by Aditya Birla’s honorable Chairman. It decided to install it at Sewagram Works, Bhuj, Kutch. Based on the advantages of 24x7 electrical safety against all sorts of electrical risk, energy savings and a ROI meeting their expectations, which is one of the most important metrics for determining the success of the project, a REPEAT order placed for POWEReasy Systems.
The Benefits
POWEReasy assisted the site maintenance team to identify the Critical Voltage harmonics.
A further benefit of energy saving of over 10% has been achieved and the initial investment cost in POWEReasy has been recovered within one year.
POWEReasy has helped identify electrical problems in a continuous operational unit and achieve energy efficiency as a leading industrial sector.